March 2021

Art and Culture

Chisasibi Heritage Cultural Centre

The Chisasibi Heritage & Cultural Centre is home to renewing cultures where the traditional values and heritage are honored and preserved via Aayaanischaa. This cultural center showcases an extensive range of reciprocal educational cycles, expertise, and linking past, present, and upcoming cohorts.
This is where the living cultures are celebrated and honored uniquely. The living culture also gets a chance to share their heritage via displays, songs, language, tales, and customary events. Once you enroll in the institute, it becomes easy to access the available artistic craftsmanship and hear tales from different…

Art and Culture

Cree Culture

The Oujé- Bougoumou community hosts the entire Aanischaaukamikw a Cree cultural institute in Quebec. The center has, for the past decades, received numerous United Nations awards.
The exceptional center is more than a national museum since it is also the center of the Cree culture. The entire Cree culture and training happen in this center where the learners experience and train about the Cree culture diversities.
Here, guests can gain access to the artifacts, which explains more about the Cree people five thousand decades ago. The entire Cree people, their origin, and their association to the land are …